vendredi 8 juillet 2011

Clafoutis aux cerises

Ingredients (for 6 pers):
- 5 eggs
- 1 pinch salt
- 130 g (5.29109  oz) of powdered sugar + 1 teaspoon
- 80 g (2.82191  oz) flour
- 60 g (2.11643  oz)  butter + 1 teaspoon butter + enough to mold
- 30 cl milk
- 300/500 g (17.6369 oz) of cherries
- Optional: 1 packet of vanilla sugar

 Preheat your oven at gas mark 6 (180 ° C - 356 ºF).
Beat the egg omelette. Add salt, sugar and mix well. The mixture should be fluffy. Add the melted butter, then flour, then dilute it with milk.

Wash and hull the cherries and brown them during 3 -5 min in a pan over low heat with the teaspoon of sugar and butter.

Place the cherries in a well buttered baking dish (earthenware, porcelain ...).

Pour the paste on the cherries and bake in a moderate oven (gas mark 6 / 180 ° C/ 356 ºF) for 25 min. Serve lukewarm.

Enjoy !

Bonne Appetit les ami(e)s

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